THE WINDOWS OF RESCUE! There are five windows in Rescue! To bring a given window to the front, click on it or use the Window menu. Don't forget that you can move them around. If you select Use Default Positions, the windows will reposition to the default settings and sizes. • MAIN VIEWER (cmd-1): This is the window in which all of the action occurs. You can shrink it or expand it to whatever size is comfortable for you, although there is a maximum allowable size. • COMMAND CONSOLE (cmd-2): Provides mouse access to commands which aren't accessible from the menus. See "The Controls: An Overview" and "The Command Console" in this help guide. • STATUS REPORT (cmd-3): Shows vital information about the Enterprise systems and your mission. The Total Energy bar at the top is your lifeline. When that reads zero, the Enterprise is destroyed. • LONG RANGE SCAN (cmd-4): Shows you the "big picture" of the galaxy and where you are in relation to Outposts, Starbases, Romulans and other things. See "The Long Range Scan" in this help guide. • TEXT (cmd-5): This gives you a running text commentary of events as they happen. It can be sized to your liking.